5 ways to grow your Facebook page - Techobey


Monday, October 28, 2019

5 ways to grow your Facebook page

Today I will tell you 5 ways to grow your Facebook page that you can implement today inside the Facebook fan page to get an organic following.

1- posting daily now I recommend that you post on your Facebook fan page at least once a day as you can see on the computer I post twice a day you can choose either just make sure that you are being active on your fan page and what happens when Facebook sees that you're active on your fan page they will actually, show your post to more people so you get more organic reach also it doesn't only affect your organic Reach content it also helps you to lower your CPM when you're running paid ads yes Facebook will favour and active fan page when running ads so automatically you have an advantage and I know a lot of you will be asking well Cynthia where can I find these content and you can easily find them on Google Pinterest or other websites that have memes related to your niche informational videos pull things like that.

2- To grow your Facebook page post relevant content this is important because whenever your audience is shown your photo or your videos Facebook will see if your audience engages with that specific post so whether they're liking it commenting or sharing your meme your informational videos your poll things like that and make sure that your photos can trigger an emotion amongst your customers because you want to make sure that they're either laughing sad maybe angry had a certain thing that you're trying to show them because when your followers are liking and engaging and commenting on your post Facebook who trigger its algorithm to show it to more people and all you have to do is follow the 80/20 rule and what this rule means is 80% of your posts are content meaning you are not selling to them it is just content that people just enjoy for example if you are inside the cat niche you want to be posting funny cat videos funny cat memes those things you aren't making money from directly but you are building a tribe you're building a fan base essentially now the 20% of it should be selling you can be promoting a mug a pillow or a t-shirt to people that love cats.

3-to interact with your fans now don't forget that Facebook is a social media platform at the end of the day to grow your Facebook page and so you need to be social with your fans don't be a silent person in the back just posting photos posting videos if your followers are liking commenting underneath your posts go ahead and like their comment maybe even reply to what their questions are and so that actually engages the user to come back and actually, maybe reply to your comment or invite the friends to join in the conversation and I know that sounds like a lot of TVs that you have to sit at the computer or sit at your phone to constantly answer all of your followers comments and questions and so you can always hire out a VA to help you do that.

4-do not put links on your posts Facebook hates it when you actually want to take their users off their platform to go to a different website so if you can keep your users on Facebook they will reward you by showing your post to more people equals more organic Reach equals more people liking your page.

5- something that almost nobody talks about and that is do not add words or phrases like like my comment or share this post or comment down below basically telling your customers to do something for you because Facebook has gotten strict throughout the year that they don't want you to take advantage of their algorithm by telling their customers to directly engage with your ad instead what Facebook wants is to create meaningful conversations with your fan base and so this goes back to creating meaningful videos that create a conversation create posts that people laugh at and want to share with the friends not by queue asking them to do so and so Facebook has released a statement that if you ask people to like share a comment they will overtime decrease your reach so don't do that already guys that was five different ways on how you can increase your Facebook fan page following organically without paying Facebook a single dime and I know I've covered a lot in this article so I'm going to quickly recap everything I said basically you need to make sure that you're posting on Facebook daily and also posting relevant content without providing links inside of your posts also make sure that you are actively engaging with your fans and not asking them questions and answer them properly.