10 Best Social Media Marketing Strategies For Hotels - Techobey


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

10 Best Social Media Marketing Strategies For Hotels

 Social media marketing has been around since the early 2000s, but it wasn’t until recent years that this marketing strategy started to take off. This increase in popularity can be attributed to the rise of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, which have made this type of marketing more accessible than ever before. However, social media marketing isn’t just useful for businesses looking to establish themselves in the public eye it’s also great at getting more customers into hotels. Here are the 10 best social media marketing strategies that hotels can use to draw people in off the street and up to their front doors.

01. Social Media Marketing

1. First, identify which social media platforms your target market is most active on.
2. Then, create content that is specifically tailored to each platform.
3. Be sure to post regularly and keep your content fresh.
4. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and questions.
5. Finally, use social media analytics to track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

02. Social Media
Hotels can use social media in a number of ways to reach new guests and encourage bookings. Here are 10 of the best social media marketing strategies for hotels 1) Promote blog posts that offer unique information about your hotel, such as what it’s like staying there, where to eat, or things you can do during your stay.
2) Encourage guest reviews with a review wall and promotional offers for those who post reviews on your site.
3) Provide customers with photos from previous guests so they have an idea of what their trip will be like if they book with you too.

03. Build your Instagram audience

If you want to use social media to market your hotel, one of the best platforms to start with is Instagram. With over 1 billion monthly active users, there’s a lot of potential for reach. And, since nearly 80% of users follow at least one business on Instagram, it’s clear that people are open to engaging with brands on the platform.

04. Learn from other brands

Take a look at what other brands in your industry are doing on social media. See what's working well for them and adapt those strategies to fit your own hotel. There's no need to reinvent the wheel - just find what works and make it your own.

05. Take advantage of trending hashtags on Twitter

Twitter is a great platform for hotels to connect with potential guests. By using trending hashtags, you can reach a larger audience and create a connection with people who are interested in the same topics as you. Plus, using hashtags can help you track your performance and see which topics are resonating with your audience.

06. Offer content upgrades on Facebook and Instagram

You can offer content upgrades on Facebook and Instagram to encourage your followers to sign up for your email list. This could be in the form of a PDF guide, an e-book, or even a video series. By offering something of value, you can increase the chances that people will want to sign up for your list. Plus, this can help you grow your email list quickly and easily.

07. Try targeted paid ads on Facebook

You can use Facebook's powerful targeting options to make sure your ads are only being shown to people who are likely to be interested in your hotel. You can target by location, interests, and even specific demographics like business travelers.

08. Invest in email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target market. By investing in email marketing, you can stay in touch with past guests and potential guests. Plus, email marketing is a great way to promote special offers and events. Here are 10 tips for using email marketing to reach your target market

09. Create videos for social media

Video is one of the most powerful tools in a hotel marketer’s toolkit. It can be used to show off your property, tell stories about your brand, and give potential guests a taste of what it’s like to stay with you. When used effectively, video can be a great way to boost your social media presence and reach new audiences. Here are 10 of the best social media marketing strategies for hotels that make use of video

10. Encourage customers to share their favorite photos and stay loyal by giving them something back in return

People love sharing photos of their travels on social media, and hotels can encourage this behavior by offering a discount or some other type of incentive for guests who post photos of their stay. This is a great way to generate word-of-mouth marketing and build loyalty among your customer base.